Aux Mains Couleur de Blé


Alexandre BAILLOT & Coralie CAILLET 


Artisanal Bakery & Pastry


Located near Auxerre, in Gurgy, Monéteau and Appoigny




Our TV adventure in videos with Logo m6 avec fond!

After having participated in 2017, to the M6 TV show "The Best Bakery in France", we are happy to introduce some souvenirs spent together! 


On March 2017, we had been contacted by the LMBF production, thanks to your numerous proposals for candidature. 

A month later, and after a large selection process, we had been selected to represent the Burgandy region.

You would certainly remember, on the first of May 2017, the TV team was present in our shop.

This unexpected adventure had continued on M6 TV broadcasts.
Many thanks for your unconditional support! 


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Last edited: 04/04/2024